Our digital pivot featured by Business Reporter & within The Economist


Our CEO discusses Ignition’s digital pivot – riding the wave of uncertainty.

The Business Reporter invited Sam Rowe (CEO, Ignition), alongside other SME business leaders to share how being an agile business during the pandemic led to new opportunities and achievements.

As quoted in the article:

“while the corporate CEO is straining at the helm of the oil tanker, the SME skipper can reset every sail and disappear over the horizon”

Many industries have suffered, and continue to during these difficult times. Ignition was grateful that although live events and experiences came to a standstill, the desire for our clients to reach and engage with their audiences remained.

This need to connect led Ignition to take action. Our creative and project management teams began to upskill immediately, working around the clock, and by June 2020 we’d delivered our first virtual exhibit. And now, in just a short space of time, we’re accelerating towards delivering over 300 virtual events.

Like many, we’re looking forward to welcoming physical events back. We also believe there’s a place for both physical and digital in the marketing mix!

The current situation will not last forever. We recognise that both physical and digital applications have a place in the new world order. Physical and digital experiences will become seamless extensions of each other and how a brand adopts and applies these channels will influence their eventual success.

If you’re planning your next virtual event, see how we can help.

To view the full article, click here and turn to page 14.


Thank you for reading!

If you would like to find out more, please do get in touch.