A new way to travel


Passengers around the world are increasingly aware of their carbon footprint when travelling.

Concerns about the climate crisis are leading us to consider low-emission alternatives to air travel. SailCoop, the first sailboat travel cooperative, aims to bring together users, nautical professionals and public stakeholders to offer a new way to travel.

On average, France's 207,000 pleasure yachts spend 97.8% of their time docked in harbours. We love that Sailcoop aims to connect those underused boats with people looking for alternatives to air travel. 

The French platform, which just launched, is planning to create a network of fixed routes both within Europe and soon the Americas too, so anyone can cross an ocean without flying. 

The initiative is not aimed at the super-rich either, estimated prices will be EUR 50-120 per travel day. A trip to the UK will take 5 to 10 hours and Corsica 24 to 36 hours. Yachts on these shorter routes will leave daily or weekly, depending on demand.

Credits: Maximilian Weisbecker / Unsplash & sailcoop.fr


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