
Join the movement and power up with Kaluza

Enlit Europe 2023 witnessed a convergence of innovation and sustainability at the Kaluza booth. Kaluza, a leading intelligent platform, is at the forefront of reshaping the future of energy. The platform champions decarbonisation through smart, low-carbon technologies, not only reducing energy bills but also laying the foundations for a more agile and responsive energy ecosystem.

In our pursuit of collaboration, Ignition actively seeks partnerships with organisations that share our values. Kaluza stood out as a perfect alignment with our ethos, showcasing a sustainable vision for a world where achieving net-zero emissions is not only conceivable but within everyone's reach. We were especially thrilled to collaborate with Kaluza as a fellow B Corp, underlining our shared commitment to social and environmental responsibility.



Event Enlit Europe 2023

Country France

Industry Technology

Stand Size 36 sqm



Our design philosophy for the Kaluza booth centered around the idea that small spaces can pack a powerful punch. We conceptualised an immersive 36 square meters that became a testament to the notion that innovation knows no bounds. The focal point of the exhibit was an engaging interactive game where participants had to balance importing energy to an electric vehicle and exporting energy to the grid.

To complement the interactive experience, we incorporated a barista service, elevating the overall atmosphere of the booth. Accompanying the interactive elements were strategically placed presentation screens that showcased Kaluza's technological prowess and storage facilities ensuring a clutter-free, streamlined space.


The booth's aesthetics were heightened by an impactful banner, dominating visibility across the exhibition hall. Beyond the primary branding, the banner featured secondary messaging that reinforced Kaluza's brand. This careful integration of branding elements ensured that every square inch of the booth served a purpose, leaving a lasting impression on Enlit Europe attendees.

Working alongside Kaluza and their dedicated team has been a pleasure, as we collectively worked towards the goal of bringing their vision to life. The "Power Up with Kaluza" call to action echoed throughout the exhibition, inviting attendees to join the movement towards a sustainable, energy-efficient future.



The success of the Kaluza booth at Enlit Europe 2023 serves as a testament to the impact that strategic exhibition design can have in conveying a brand's message, fostering engagement, and driving positive change in the energy landscape. Ignition remains committed to partnering with visionaries like Kaluza, as together, we pave the way for a brighter and greener tomorrow.


Leads generated


Interactive game plays


On-booth presentations

Kaluza had the opportunity to stand out at a major trade show showcasing one of the best booths. The Ignition team has been absolutely amazing from the initial brief to the completion of the final booth. They provided seamless support. Working with Hannah and Katy has been a pleasure. They make a fantastic team.

Collaborating with Ignition is a seamless and remarkable experience characterised by exceptional support.
— Events & Marketing Manager, Kaluza